We look at the map of Europe today and we see a place that—to many—appears very different than it did just yesterday. The widely unexpected outcome of the U.K. referendum will have a range of yet unpredictable consequences reaching far beyond those we can already see today.
Many of the consequences will hurt those who voted to continue to be part of a larger European community. The majority of younger people voted to remain. Those who will take over as the next generation voted to remain.
As an organization we see ourselves as a bridge between cultures. Our purpose is to be inclusive, sustainable and socially responsible. And so our point of view is clear: We look at the map of Europe and we see a place that has been home to people for thousands of years and that will be home to people for many, many more. We look at the map of the world, and we see the same, as we do not look for division lines. We seek to find connections between people; we want to encourage collaboration, friendship and mutual understanding.
We will do whatever we can to make it easier for those working with us to work together, regardless of what passport they hold, or not. We want to unite, and we want to support collaboration, no matter where in the world we happen to be and no matter where in the world we work on our and our clients’ projects.
This is true for our friends in London as it is true for our friends in Beijing, and our friends in Tehran, Mumbai, São Paulo, Berlin and many more. And this will be true for the countless friends and partners we have yet to meet.
We know that some of the most magnificent ideas were born in most unlikely places, created by some of the most unlikely people, often in some quite unusual circumstances. Many of the most amazing ideas were born in places that were labeled by leaders whose name history would perhaps prefer to forget.
We are looking toward a future where all those who want a better world have a real chance to create it. And we know that the best way to achieve positive change is to lead it and to live it. And that’s why we created Tea & Water.
Already today we are working with major global organizations on the development of ideas that will create a more livable, a kinder, smarter, more sustainable world. We are working with client partners who care about the health and the resilience of the next generation. And we are speaking with organizations and leaders who see a world that is culturally richer, brighter, more diverse and better connected.
So we know, for a fact, that big positive currents are here.
We look at the map of the world today and we are encouraged that we are on the side of the unstoppable, connected generation.
Together we can be the change we want to see in this world.